Diuretics & Expels Calculi
Anti - Septic
Enlarged Prostate
Bladder/ Kidney Diseases
Renal Stone
An effective Diuretic syrup for verious Disorder of Kidney & Urinary Calculi, Cryatalluria, Relieves Renal Colic, Gento Urinary tract infaction,
Yellow Urine with pus irritation, Calcium oxalate, Phosphates uric acid expels.
2-4 Teaspoonful with cold water thrice a day.
Botties of 110 ml. 210 ml. 450 ml.
Each 10 ml. Contains :
Gokhru Ext. 500 mg.
Punarnava Ext. 500 mg.
Makoy Ext. 200 mg.
Pashan Bhed Ext. 100 mg.
Harshingar Ext. 100 mg.
Navsagar 50 mg.
Yavakshar 50 mg.
Kalmi Sora 30 mg.
Khas Ark 2 ml.
Chandan Ark 2 ml.
Flavoured Syrupy base Q.S.